Star Wars Adventures

New Battlestar Galactica comic launches in October!

There are those who believe… So began the opening to Battlestar Galactica, which debuted 40 years ago this month on ABC. I was one of the kids in the audience that night — and every week that followed that season. So I was delighted when Dynamite Comics tapped me to write a comics miniseries for this fall, focusing on the original cast. What’s even cooler is that the first issue is …

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I return to Star Wars comics in IDW’s STAR WARS ADVENTURES ANNUAL 2018!

Jedi are trained diplomats, but farmboys? Not so much! But Luke has to learn in a hurry as he’s forced to pinch-hit for Leia on a diplomatic mission of major importance to the protocol-obsessed Sarkans — and even Threepio might not be enough to save him from starting an intergalactic incident! Will Leia have to bail him out? I share the story in Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, releasing April …

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