The notes for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #5 are now online — just hours to spare before I begin my trip south. See them here — and of course, the comic book can still be obtained from your local comics shop or from TFAW.
That trip includes a signing from 3-5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23 at Comics Exchange, 3711 Chapman Hwy, in Knoxville, Tenn. I went to undergrad school at UT Knoxville, and it’ll be great to get back to town.
And then it’s off to Timegate 2012 in Atlanta from May 25-27; I’m involved with several hours of programming there. The schedule’s on the site.
So, with Knight Errant: Escape starting up next month and Lost Tribe of the Sith coming later in summer, folks have been asking what’s next for Zayne Carrick. As regular readers of the blog know, before War when the question would be asked, I would say “the future is always in motion.” And so again now. So keep spreading the word about the comics — the War trade paperback should be along soon!