Star Wars: Knight Errant novel cover released

The cover of the Star Wars: Knight Errant novel made its debut at Del Rey’s display at Comic-Con International this week — and with the image now circulating online, I’ve been allowed to post a clean copy of it here. Behold!

I’ve created a page for the novel here on the site, to go along with the section for the comics series. To fiction readers that may not be familiar with my site, when books or comics or e-books release, I try to post some production notes and trivia about the work, sort of like the liner notes from LP albums past. That’s what you’ll find here on the site. (Hopefully time will allow for me to get caught up on all of these!)

We also have a new publication date to tell you about; the novel’s release has been moved a month earlier to January 25, 2011. That’s a really cool date for me — given that the first issue of Knights of the Old Republic shipped on that date exactly five years earlier! That’s a that I’m looking forward to keeping!

Remember, you can preorder the novel here. Stay tuned for more info, as it becomes available to release!