Star Wars: Kenobi

2014 Scribe Award Nominee list announced — fortified with Kenobi!

The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers has named its nominees for the 2014 Scribe Awards, and I am pleased to report that Star Wars: Kenobi has been nominated in the category for best original novel set in a speculative tie-in universe. It’s a great list of books and short stories by a wonderful slate of authors, and it’s an honor to be included. The 2014 Scribe Nominees (thanks to …

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Star Wars: Kenobi production notes online — and a paperback release date!

Longtime readers of this website know that I maintain — or try to maintain — a notes page with trivia and production insights on every work I’ve written. That extends to all my comic books, prose, games, and non-fiction works. Some of the longer works have quite extensive ones — and now, at last, I can announce that the notes for Star Wars: Kenobi are now online. Click here to …

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The Star Wars: Kenobi Ask-Me-Anything (spoiler edition)

In advance of my posting of the production notes for Star Wars: Kenobi, I am following past practice on the blog by soliciting questions about the book from folks who’ve read it. Simply post your questions in the comments field below, and I will get to as many as I can in a series of later posts on here in the days and weeks to follow. This method also reminds …

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Kenobi hits the NYT bestseller list — and a slew of interviews!

It’s getting so I don’t know when to update the website any more. There have been a slew of interviews, reviews, and podcasts released since Star Wars: Kenobi released a week ago, but there are more that are about to come out, and so I keep holding off. And then there’s news, like yesterday’s announcement that Kenobi will debut at #12 on the New York Times bestseller list. Busy time, …

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Star Wars: Kenobi wanders into town!

The wait is over… Star Wars: Kenobi goes on sale today at your local book retailer and online emporium! I’ve been on a whirlwind tour of various podcasts and blogs — not to mention this past weekend’s appearance at Geek-Kon in Madison, which was a lot of fun. And here’s a round-up of some of the other cool things we worked up: James Arnold Taylor reads Kenobi! In an exclusive …

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Knights of the Old Republic Omnibus releases — plus Geek-Kon schedule, and more!

Okay, I admit it — I’ve got a whole bunch going on right now, and it’s impacted my ability to blog in any kind of a regular fashion. I just finished work on Star Trek: Titan – Absent Enemies — and went headlong into preparations for the release of Star Wars: Kenobi on August 27. I’ve already done a half-dozen podcasts, most yet to go online — and there are …

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San Diego 2013 convention highlights — guest-starring the Rebel Legion!

Thanks to Joseph Setele for the photo! Back from San Diego, and quite a bit to round up here. In addition to being a great show, it was a trip book-ended on both sides with surprising Star Wars meetings. On the flight from Minneapolis, first off, I met another author, John Flynn, whose name I recognized. It turns out that years ago he wrote the Fall of the Republic fan …

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Overdraft now available worldwide — and download the prequel for free!

All sorts of news today! “Poison Pill,” the last chapter of Overdraft: The Orion Offensive, has now released — featuring Bridget Yang and her team in a pitched battle to rescue their trader, Jamie. And unbeknownst to them, the stakes are the very survival of the Earth! The release means that the book has completed its run in the Serial program, and thus available for purchase worldwide, both as a …

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Overdraft print edition ships July 23 — and a new Kenobi short story!

A couple of news items, about a pair of events less than three weeks hence: First, the preorder page has been posted for the print edition of Overdraft: The Orion Offensive, published by 47North. At 400+ pages, the trade paperback collects the entire serial — and it releases on July 23, exactly two weeks after the last serial episode goes online. Order it here. An order page has also gone …

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Preview a Star Wars: Kenobi chapter at Random House

San Diego Comic-Con is a couple of weeks out — and already, social media feeds are thick with announcements of this or that. (I’ll be adding to that mass of news myself.) In the meantime, where can one find solace? Yes! A desert planet. Random House has posted the first post-prologue chapter of Star Wars: Kenobi, which ships Aug. 27. (Then again, there may not be much solace, as Tusken …

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