Games News

Dark Horse posts KOTOR #50 Preview

OK, this is the literal beginning of the end! Check the last preview at the Dark Horse site, here! And let me quickly note a couple of things while I have the chance, here. First, even though we’re at the end, it’s never too late to climb on board the series — you can find all the Knights of the Old Republic trade paperbacks on Amazon and at your local …

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Vindication, Sword of the Empire (for free!) and more!

You may take it as a sign of how much work I have coming out further down the road that I’ve had close to no time to keep folks posted about what’s coming out now, or just come out. It will take me some time to get caught up, but I will take a first stab here… • First, at some point in the last few weeks, Star Wars: Knights …

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Game notes, and more

Working non-stop, but I finally had a moment to get some pages set up for my game work. There’s a page for my Dawn of Defiance module for the Star Wars Role-Playing Game — it’s not released yet, but that’ll be where the notes go (and where there will be link to the Wizards download page). And, yes — ye cats! — I finally got around to writing up some …

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Dawn of Defiance update

The eighth chapter of the Dawn of Defiance campaign for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game is now online. The Gem of Alderaan is followed by my own Sword of the Empire, which I would expect would follow sometime hereafter once the maps and all the shiny bits are added.

Scrye: A personal remembrance

With the news of the cancellation of Scrye: The Guide to Collectible Games, my mind went back to my years as the second editor of the magazine — one of the most lucrative times in the publication’s history, but also one of the bigger challenges I ever faced in magazine publishing. Scrye magazine was founded by Joanne White, who was introduced to Magic: The Gathering by Peter Adkison at the …

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“Dueling Ambitions” — and dueling the weather

OK, I really didn’t mean to go so long between posts — but there have been large assignments to get out the door, plus relearning how to get snow off a driveway. (Someone in the weather department seems to be unconvinced that Wisconsin has enough. Believe me, it has.) I can also alert you to the solicitation for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #39, the first part of …

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Now playing: Ultimate Unofficial Pokemon TCG Guide

Well, I try to keep everyone apprised here of what stuff I have coming out — but when you’ve got stuff in print in various places, these things are not always easy to keep track of. I used to edit Scrye magazine eons ago — and there I also produced two volumes of the Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist and Price Guide and co-edited a Pokemon book. Some of that …

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96 hours of Gen Con

Well, I didn’t game all those hours, but I managed to get in more than any of my previous five GenCon trips. The difference was this was the first time I was attending in a semi-civilian role — where in past years, I’d had a booth to work, this time, I was there as a freelancer promoting a book — and otherwise, to enjoy the show. Both were done — …

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A trip to Coruscant… games… and more

Whole bunch of updates here. First off, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #31 is on the shelves this week, or so I am informed. It is stuffed chock full of revelations and surprises; my thoughts on the issue will be along later, and as you might expect there’ll be a lot to talk about this time out! One of the interesting things about the issue is the ad …

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