Overdraft: The Glossary
A guide to the terms in the world of Overdraft!
The following material indexes every date mentioned or alluded to in the Overdraft series to date, including the original short story, the Overdraft: The Orion Offensive serial, and the short story Burnout. This isn’t intended as an encyclopedia, but rather a quick-reference guide. As additional episodes are released, this will be updated regularly.
A spoiler warning is appropriate, given that some items refer to events in the book. Read the works first.
The key to the sources is at the bottom of the file. Also check out the Overdraft Timeline!
37 Geminorum | a star, 56.3 light years from Earth | (OO-5) |
Abaza, Walter John | a human male, member of Surge Three | (OO-5) |
Alabeyd | an asteroid orbiting Altair | (OO-1) |
Altair | a star, 16.7 light years from Earth | (HE) |
Altair Sunward Product and Equipment Center, ASPEC | a Quaestor trading station on Alabeyd | (HE) |
Arcturan Plague | a disease affecting humans | (OO-7) |
Arcturo-Solar War | Earth’s first intergalactic war, started in 2030 | (OO-1) |
Arcturus | a star, 36.7 light years from Earth | (OO-1) |
Ascot Chang | a real 21st Century men’s clothier, exists in 22nd Century New York | (OO-2) |
Avallorenes | an alien species | (OO-7) |
badge, the | emblem/device worn by Signatory traders | (OO-2) |
Bachmann, Jeanette | an alias for a Walled Garden agent | (OO-8) |
Baghu | the native species of Baghula | (OO-2) |
Baghula | a planet around Struve 2398A, home to the Baghu | (OO-2) |
Baines, Lucas (“Skinner”) | a male human; member of the Walled Garden | (OO-5) |
bangbox, ’box | a shipping container 16.5 meters long, 5.5 meters across, and 5.5 meters tall | (HE) |
bioblanket | a nanoid-using covering used in medical care | (OO-5) |
Black Butte | Surge Sigma’s nickname for the mesa containing the auction hall on Leel | (OO-4) |
Black Priest | Kolvax’s title | (OO-1) |
Blasted Plain of Tarchos | a region on Moog | (OO-5) |
Borranz | a female Xylander, informant for the Dominium | (OO-5) |
Bosch, Paymer | a male human, shock comic on 2050s Earth | (OO-6) |
Bouchard, René | a male human, auditor for Quaestor | (OO-3) |
Breathers | nickname for the Baghu | (OO-2) |
briefcase, the | handheld case used by traders, contains the assayer and the menu for the fabricator | (OO-2) |
Buchwalder, Lorraine | a stewardess from the 1950s | (OO-2) |
Chaperone | a pilotless excursion shuttle | (BU) |
Chara | a planet circling Beta Canum Venaticorum | (BU) |
Charan | a liquified germanium-based alien species, native to the planet Chara | (BU) |
Charlie | one of the whirlibangs orbiting Venus | (OO-1) |
Clemmons, Eustace | real name of Victor Gideon | (OO-4) |
Coandăcar | an aerial Earth hover-vehicle, utlizing the Coandă effect | (OO-3) |
Constant Friend | a real-life East India Company ship | (OO-3) |
Cowbell Capital Investments | a shell company, owned by Jamie Sturm | (OO-1) |
Cowling, Leah | a human female; member of Surge One | (OO-4) |
Dalrymple, Theda | a human female; works for the Commodities Futures Trading Commission | (OO-5) |
Deeliah | a female Xylander, member of the ruling Dominium | (OO-2) |
Dinner, Arbutus | a male human; member of Surge Sigma’s first squad | (OO-1) |
District 211 | a region on Kano during the Great Kano Clearing | (OO-6) |
District 280 | a region on Kano during the Great Kano Clearing | (OO-6) |
Dominium | a governing body among the Xylanx | (OO-1) |
Dragon’s Depot | nickname for a space station at Sigma Draconis | (OO-1) |
dreadcase | slang for a human whose adrenal glands were manipulated by nanoids | (OO-4) |
EndoSys | a nanoid-using subdermal computer that displays messages on the surface of human skin | (OO-2) |
Exotic Formation Seven-Alpha, Seven Alpha | an extraterrestrial organism | (HE) |
fabricator | large device which manufactures samples | (OO-2) |
Falcone, Leonid (“Leo”) | a male human, age 50s; one of several expedition administrators for Quaestor | (HE) |
fieldmaster | a title among the Gebrans | (OO-6) |
fire-bolo | a Xylanx hand-weapon | (OO-2) |
First Contact Group | an Earth organization evaluating all new species encountered | (BU) |
Fomalhaut | a star | (HE) |
Forrah Glay | a location named in the Xylanx religion | (OO-1) |
Frocky | a Porriman trader | (OO-4) |
Funworld Mumbai | an amusement park on Earth | (OO-1) |
Gardener | a member of the Walled Garden movement | (OO-2) |
G Cloud | a stellar region near Earth | (OO-1) |
Gebran | an alien species | (HE) |
Gebran Clearing Command | the Gebrans’ ruling body during the Great Kano Clearing | (OO-6) |
Gerrok | a male Xylander | (OO-1) |
Gharion Preserve | a Xylanx space citadel, orbiting Pi3 Orionis | (OO-2) |
Gideon, Victor | a male human, leader of Surge Two | (OO-3) |
Giotto Colony | a human colony orbiting Luyten’s Star | (OO-2) |
Grand Moogle | nickname for the Moogle spokesman | (OO-5) |
Great Kano Clearing | an event on Kano in 2138 | (OO-5) |
Haarfat | a male Xylander, member of the ruling Dominium | (OO-2) |
hand-cannon | a Xylanx hand-weapon | (OO-2) |
Happy Entrance | a real-life East India Company ship | (OO-3) |
HardSHEL | a type of armored environment suit | (OO-1) |
Hell’s Hunter 15 | a popular video game on Earth | (OO-6) |
hyperthermophile | a creature native to extremely hot environments | (BU) |
imagers | cameras | (OO-2) |
immerso, immersos | a 3-D virtual reality entertainment | (OO-3) |
Indispensable | Surge Sigma’s shuttle configuration; also, a real-life East India Company ship | (OO-2) |
isopanel | a crystal screen that delivers information | (HE) |
jaerkat | an alien mammal known to the Xylanx | (OO-2) |
Jerroj | a male Xylander | (OO-1) |
jorvil | a space monster living on Leel | (OO-3) |
Keeler, Elaine (Sturm) | a female human, Jamie Sturm’s mother, United States Senator | (OO-4) |
Keeler, Jacob | a male human, a past U.S. Secretary of Transportation | (OO-4) |
Keeler, Olivia | a female human, a past European Union Vice President | (OO-4) |
Keeler, Taffy | Jamie Sturm’s younger stepsister | (OO-2) |
knowglobe | a dodecahedral database of all information known throughout the Signatory Systems | (HE) |
Kolvax | a male Xylander; leader of the Severed | (OO-1) |
land-smasher | a robotic Gebran terrain modifier | (OO-5) |
Lazarius | a Earth conglomerate that runs space expeditions | (OO-2) |
Leel | an iceworld orbiting Mu Cassiopeiae | (OO-3) |
Leelite, Leelites | an alien species living on Leel | (OO-3) |
Liandro | a Xylanx male, old | (OO-2) |
Little Arkansas | a suburb outside Beijing, China on Earth | (OO-1) |
Lopez-Hererra | a male human, medic for Surge One | (OO-3) |
Lorraine | a Sheoruk researcher | (OO-2) |
Luk’a | an ancient species of thieves | (OO-4) |
Luyten’s Star | a star, 12.4 light years from Earth | (OO-2) |
Madaki, Geena | a female human, age 60s | (OO-1) |
Millau Viaduct | a real bridge in France | (OO-5) |
Moog | a planet around Xi Boötes A | (OO-4) |
Moogle, Moogles | an alien species living on Moog | (OO-4) |
Mournful Howells, the | a band Jamie Sturm once owned a stake in | (OO-7) |
Mu Cassiopeiae | a double-star system, 24.6 light years from Earth | (OO-3) |
nanoid | a microscopic machine | (OO-1) |
Nördlingen | an Earth spacetug | (OO-1) |
O’Herlihy, Corporal Michael (“Mike”) | a male human, from Little Arkansas, China | (HE) |
Ops Station, Ops | a space station near Venus; trading center | (OO-1) |
Orion Arm | the region of the Milky Way the Earth is in | (OO-1) |
Osman Corporation, OsmanCorp | an Earth conglomerate that runs space expeditions | (OO-1) |
Overland disaster, Overland affair | a historical event taking place in 2030 in Overland, Nebraska which set off an interstellar war | (OO-1) |
Overland Option | Bridget Yang’s backup plan against treachery | (OO-7) |
Pacifica | one of the United States, statehood awarded 2083 | (BU) |
Parrus | a Xylander | (OO-1) |
Pattern Eagle | a tactical configuration for armored infantry | (OO-5) |
Phipps, Coach | a male human in O’Herlihy’s past | (OO-3) |
Pi3 Orionis | a star, 26.2 light years from Earth | (OO-4) |
Porrima | a star, 38.1 light years from Earth | (HE) |
Porriman, Porrimans | a species native to Porrima | (OO-4) |
Praetor Corporation, PraetorCorp | a Earth conglomerate that runs space expeditions | (OO-1) |
Prothro, Kem | a male human, security guard for Quaestor | (BU) |
Proxima Centauri | a star, 4.22 light years from Earth | (OO-5) |
Q/A | nickname for the person holding the quartermaster-armorer job in an expedition | (HE) |
Quaestor Corporation, QuaestorCorp | a Earth conglomerate that runs space expeditions | (OO-1) |
quartermaster- armorer | a job title | (OO-1) |
Queen’s Own Rifles | a reserve regiment of the Canadian Forces on Earth | (OO-5) |
Ragsdale, Don | a male human, Senator Elaine Keeler’s aide | (OO-8) |
Raintree, Blossom | a female human, leader of an antienvironmental movement, raised on Mauritius | (BU) |
Regulans | a species native to Regulus | (OO-1) |
Regulation Three | a standing order for Surge teams: “Don’t kill the customers” | (OO-3) |
Regulus | a star, 77.5 light years from Earth | (OO-1) |
ridge-blaster | a robotic Gebran terrain modifier | (OO-5) |
robo-hunter | a Gebran pest-killer | (OO-6) |
Rumber | a female Xylander | (OO-1) |
St. Theobald’s at Brooklyn | a university on Earth | (OO-8) |
Santos, Peter (“Saint Peter”) | a male human; investigator for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission | (OO-5) |
scour-bot | a robotic Gebran terrain modifier | (OO-5) |
Selena | a female human, age 20s; trader on Ops Station | (OO-1) |
Senegambia | a nation on 22nd century Earth | (OO-6) |
Severed, The Severed | a Xylanx movement | (OO-1) |
Shaft, the | the receiving area at the center of the Dragon’s Depot | (OO-2) |
Sheoruk (s. and pl.) | an alien species | (OO-2) |
Sigma Draconis | a star, 18.8 light years from Earth | (OO-1) |
Signatory Pact | in interstellar agreement on the use of the whirlibangs | (OO-2) |
Signatory Systems | the group of interstellar civilizations agreeing to the Signatory Pact | (OO-1) |
Silvers, Phil | a 20th century human actor | (OO-4) |
Skippy | nickname for the organism Formation Seven-Alpha | (HE) |
Slumlord: The Next Generation | a popular game on Earth | (OO-6) |
SoftSHEL | a type of environment suit | (OO-2) |
Spore, (t)he Spore | nickname for the organism Formation Seven-Alpha | (HE) |
Spraecher 300 | a rifle used by human forces | (OO-4) |
Staging Area Bravo | a location on Kano during the Great Kano Clearing | (OO-6) |
Stalkers | a Xylanx military organization | (OO-1) |
starcrete | a substance | (OO-1) |
star shell | strontium nitrate incendiaries, used for lighting battlefields | (OO-4) |
Struve 2398A | a star, 11.4 light years from Earth | (OO-2) |
Stubek, Lynn | a female human, age 20s; member of Surge Sigma’s third squad | (OO-1) |
Sturm, Jamison Philip (“Jamie”) | male human, born 2107; from Coral Gables, Fla. | (OO-1) |
superconductor column | a totem-pole like item used in whirlilbang construction | (OO-3) |
Supralight Hygienic Environmental Layer | protective coating worn within a spacesuit or armor | (OO-4) |
Surge Altair, Surge Team Altair | collective name for Leonid Falcone’s expedition’s surgical strike team, when based on Altair; led by Bridget Yang | (HE) |
Surge One | tactical code abbreviation for Surge Sigma’s first squad, led by Michael O’Herlihy | (OO-1) |
Surge Sigma, Surge Team Sigma, Surge Sigma Draconis | collective name for Leonid Falcone’s expedition’s surgical strike team, when based on Sigma Draconis; led by Bridget Yang | (OO-1) |
Surge Three | tactical code abbreviation for Surge Sigma’s first squad, led by Hiro Welligan | (OO-1) |
Surge Two | tactical code abbreviation for Surge Sigma’s second squad, led by Vincent Gideon | (OO-2) |
Swenk-Keeler, Loren | a female human, a past U.S. Supreme Court Justice | (OO-4) |
Szaferi birch | an Earth tree, extinct in the wild | (OO-7) |
Tellmer | a male Xylander | (OO-1) |
Temmons, Jake | a male human, born 2121; Q/A for Surge Altair | (HE) |
Torgaard, Sven | a male human; Jamie Sturm’s college roommate | (OO-5) |
Torquin | a Leelite | (OO-4) |
Trades Increase | a real-life East India Company ship | (OO-3) |
Trovatelli, Lissa | female human; Q/A for Surge Sigma Draconis | (OO-1) |
Uutherum (s. and pl.) | an alien species | (HE) |
Vangwoo | a Porriman trading supervisor | (OO-4) |
vids | two-dimensional video recordings | (OO-2) |
Visitor Contact Group | an international body handling alien visits to Earth | (OO-5) |
Vremian | a Leelite; lead auctioner | (OO-3) |
Walled Garden | a political underground movement on Earth | (OO-2) |
Weber, Kayman | an eccentric 21st century billionaire | (OO-7) |
Welligan, Hiro | a male human, leader of Surge Three | (OO-1) |
whirlibang | a circular device, half a kilometer across, for sending bangboxes through interstellar space | (OO-1) |
Wo-Grump | a Gebran; fieldmaster during the Great Kano Clearing | (OO-6) |
Wu, Cathe | a female human, member of Surge One | (OO-4) |
X-560 | Xylanx space vessel, commanded by Kolvax at Leel | (OO-4) |
Xi Boötes A | a star, 21.8 light years from Earth | (OO-4) |
Xylander (s.), Xylanx (pl.), Xylanx (adj.) | an alien species | (OO-1) |
Yang, Bridget (“Bridgie”) | a female human, born 2105 | (HE) |
Yatsen, Lia | a female human, security guard for Quaestor | (BU) |
Zazzy the Zoobear | an animated bear | (OO-2) |
zoobear | term for a bear in captivity | (HE) |
BU | “Burnout,” first appearing in Silence in the Library’s Apollo’s Daughters, 2015 | |
HE | “Human Error”, first appearing in Baen Books’ Armored, 2012 | |
OO-1 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 1: Greenmail, released April 2, 2013 | |
OO-2 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 2: Golden Handshake, released April 16, 2013 | |
OO-3 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 3: Underwater Holdings, released April 30, 2013 | |
OO-4 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 4: Winner’s Curse, released May 13, 2013 | |
OO-5 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 5: Tip from a Dip, released May 27, 2013 | |
OO-6 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 6: Tender Offer, released June 11, 2013 | |
OO-7 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 7: Strike Price, released June 25, 2013 | |
OO-8 | Overdraft: The Orion Offensive Episode 8: Poison Pill, released July 8, 2013 |
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