“You have a new neighbor. Prodit through Zodoh’s presence — or learn to hold your breath!” — Zodoh
“Deluge” Part 4
Kerra Holt has her Jedi work cut out for her! As crime lord Zodoh the Hutt’s massive Stormbringer vessels flood Kerra’s homeworld with rain, she does her utmost to herd the listless inhabitants to the safety of higher ground.
Art by Iban Coello and Sergio Abad
Lettered by Michael Heisler
Colored by Michael Atiyeh
Cover by Joe Quinones
Edited by Dave Marshall and Freddye Lins
The fourth issue of Knight Errant – Deluge had the big moment I had envisioned from the very beginning — Kerra leading the people from the flood. But also, I knew from the start that it had to be about more than just that. If Kerra alone contributed to the survival of others, then Jenn Devaad was, in a sense, right — that the people were helpless in every way. But while Kerra couldn’t lead such a downtrodden group of people to revolt, she could at least reach someone. And Joad was that someone.
The issue of whether the people under Sith rule were themselves at fault for their situations actually had been touched on before Devaad brought it to the forefront: we’d seen Vannar Treece talking about it in his letter that accompanied the Star Wars Atlas Supplement, back in the beginning. The intro this issue, from a Treece holotract, gave us another chance to hear from him.
It’s a very colorful issue, as the weather played a big part; Michael Atiyeh did great work as usual.
An art change was in store, as this was Iban Coello‘s last issue of the series as penciller.
“We’ll do this. But this time, Captain, we’ll do it my way!” — Kerra Holt
Joe Quinones’ cover for this issue, inspired by The Saturday Evening Post, was the exclusive giveaway print from Dark Horse for Comic-Con International: San Diego in 2011.
We again get a sense of how simply big the Fire Lotus fighters are this issue.
“Learn to hold your breath” is a fun little echo back to Knights of the Old Republic #50.
We’d mentioned the harvesting stations on the sea floor before — and that itself linked into the undersea tunnels described in some of the early mentions of Aquilaris in the EU.
The Knight Errant novel begins on Darkknell, and now we begin to see a lot more of it.

Latest edition
Star Wars: Legends Epic Collection – The Old Republic Vol. 5
As the Sith overtake the galaxy, a group of brave Jedi continue hit-and-run missions - but Jedi Knight Kerra Holt's first mission goes horribly wrong. Now Kerra intends to liberate as many innocents as possible - and find the truth about her missing family in the process!
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