It’s here! The first part of my first novel trilogy, Star Trek: Prey Book 1 – Hell’s Heart is now available from Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books as a mass-market paperback and in e-book format.
You can find the book at your local bookstore — and also here:
As the back cover will tell you: “When Klingon commander Kruge died in combat against James T. Kirk on the Genesis planet back in 2285, he left behind a powerful house in disarray—and a series of ticking time bombs: the Phantom Wing, a secret squadron of advanced Birds-of-Prey; a cabal of loyal officers intent on securing his heritage; and young Korgh, his thwarted would-be heir, willing to wait a Klingon lifetime to enact his vengeance.
Practicing my Klingon snarl with my new letter opener. |
“Now, one hundred years later, while on a diplomatic mission for the United Federation of Planets, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise are snared in the aged Korgh’s trap—and thrust directly in the middle of an ancient conflict. But as Commander Worf soon learns, Korgh may be after far bigger game than anyone imagines, confronting the Federation-Klingon alliance with a crisis unlike any it has ever seen!”
I’ve been doing plenty of interviews and podcasts in support of the trilogy, with more to come — but you can check out a few of them here:
G+T Show
General Geekery
Literary Treks
Radio Free Tatooine
Star Wars Stacks
I’ve also appeared on a pair of television interviews, including the CBS Sunday Morning show in Milwaukee. Click to see me on CBS 58.
And don’t forget that the next two volumes will be out in October and November! Preorder them now!
I’ll be at New York Comic-Con in early October; I’m signing three days and speaking on a panel. I’ll have dates and times up shortly.