My Star Wars Reads Day 2013 events

The second Star Wars Reads Day promoting literacy is slated for Saturday, Oct. 5, and I will be participating in one live event and one online one.

First, you can begin participating now in the Goodreads chat for the day, by joining this group and asking questions. I will be answering questions along with Ryder Windham, Jason Fry, Chris Alexander, Hans Jennsen, Rich Chasemore, and Simon Beecroft. I expect to be answering questions in the morning and then again in the evening following my bookstore event.

And that bookstore event is at the Barnes & Noble at West Towne Mall in Madison, Wis.; the address is 7433 Mineral Point Road. Childrens’ events will begin at 1, and I’ll be speaking and signing at 2. The 501st will be in attendance, so bring your cameras!

You can find local events near you here.

I have also learned my schedule for New York Comicon: I’ll be signing at the Random House booth (#2205) Friday from 5-6 p.m. and Saturday from 11-noon. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

There is one more podcast of note: the new Rebel Force Radio both has an interview with Jonathan Davis, narrator of the Kenobi audiobook, and a roundtable on the novel including Obi-Wan voice actor James Arnold Taylor and Erich Schoeneweiss from Del Rey.

Last update: There’s an order page now for the Kindle edition of my Star Trek: Titan – Absent Enemies novella; the tentative release date is Feb. 24. More detail as it becomes available.