E-signing: Autographed copies of Kenobi, KOTOR Omnibus Vol. 1 now available!

I have signings upcoming in several states over the next month, starting with Star Wars Reads Day in Madison, Wis. on October 5 and continuing with New York Comicon the following weekend. I’ll also be appearing in Charleston, West Virginia at the end of the month. But if you’re not in any of those places and are looking to get a signed copy of Star Wars: Kenobi or the first Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Omnibus edition, I now have small quantities on hand for that purpose. Here are the new items, available signed at cover price in U.S. dollars:

• Star Wars: Kenobi (hardcover) — $27
• Star Wars: Kenobi (audiobook) — $45
• Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Omnibus Vol. 1 — $25

…and here are the prices for the other three books that I try to keep on hand:

• Overdraft: The Orion Offensive (softcover) — $15
• Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith — $12
• Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith – Spiral (comics TPB) — $20
• Star Wars: Knight Errant (novel) — $8

Any book selected above will be shipped separately in a U.S. Priority
Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope
, with the exception of Knight Errant and
the Kenobi audiobook which go in a Flat Rate Small Box (for almost exactly the same price as the padded envelopes). The post office has thankfully boiled things down to three simple rates for the Flat Rate envelopes:

U.S. addresses: Add $6 for each item
Canada addresses: Add $20 for each item
International (non-Canada) addresses: Add $24 for each item, plus $1 handling/transaction fee per order

So, for example, the Kenobi hardcover is $33 postpaid to the U.S., $47 postpaid to Canada, and $52 postpaid to other addresses.

Simply log into Paypal, click “Make a Payment,” and enter the following address to send money to, along with a note about what you’re ordering and any personalization instructions to me at this address:

(Alternatively, write me at that address and I’ll send you an invoice.) Once payment clears, I’ll send the books out as soon as I can.
If ordering three or more copies, e-mail me for pricing as you may get a price break going up to the next size Flat Rate box.

And of course, remember that you can always get the books without my scrawl at your local bookseller. Here are some handy links for Kenobi:


2 thoughts on “E-signing: Autographed copies of Kenobi, KOTOR Omnibus Vol. 1 now available!”

  1. Hi John, if I wanted a signed copy of Kenobi(Hardback), would the autograph be a printed autograph or a handwritten one? I ask because I've had a few authors claim to send you an autograph or an autographed copy of a book and it sometimes ends up being a printed autograph, as in their scanned autograph printed out of a printer not written by their hand(which would mean more to me personally).

    Thanks & Kenobi was AMAZING!

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