And we’re in the home stretch for Overdraft: The Orion Offensive — although for Jamie, Bridget, and the members of Surge Sigma, the finish line is looking pretty far away! After the big reveals in the last episode, we find out many truths in Episode 7, “Strike Price,”
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In “Strike Price,” Jamie learns the full truth about the Xylanx — and makes what he thinks is the deal of the millennium. Or is it? Meanwhile, Bridget and her team fight for their lives — against their own station!
I’ve also continued my ongoing quest to get the production notes and trivia for Overdraft online; two more episodes have been added, bringing the notes to the halfway point. And, amazingly, the Overdraft Glossary and the Overdraft Timeline are up to the minute, now covering Episode 7. Since the timeline in particular refers to events happening in the stories, consider a spoiler warning attached.
The serial is indeed in its final weeks, so now is the time to take advantage of the e-book deal if you’re in the United States. The complete e-book will sell for $3.99 in the U.S. market when it’s done, so the $1.99 serial is your best deal. The completed e-book will be available internationally; an order page for it — and for the physical book, priced at $14.95 — will be up soon.
Finally, a reminder that I have also joined Goodreads, at long last: follow me here. There’s an Overdraft page for it at Goodreads already. I’ve got a contest on there, too: we’re giving away a signed Advance Reader Copy of Kenobi. Enter here!