The fifth episode of my Overdraft serial “Tip from a Dip,” is out, bringing the serial to the halfway point — and the Glossary and the Timeline have been brought up to date. There’s a lot of stuff added to the timeline in particular this time out, as Episode 5 included quite a bit of detail about the history of their world. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it in a while, but you can also post questions about the serial on the Overdraft story forum, which Amazon has set up.
Next Tuesday sees the release of Overdraft Episode 6, titled “Tender Offer” — we’ll see who makes the offer to whom!
Just barely got the timeline update done, as I’ve been pretty busy this past week working on various projects (though not too busy to get a new historical post on Comichron). There should be some news to announce in the next few days on one of those things, so stay tuned.
Incidentally, the Advance Reader Copies have been going out for Star Wars: Kenobi, and the early feedback has been gratifying. (I’m pleased I was able to get a copy to my sister, to whom the book is dedicated, in time for her birthday!)