Knight Errant – Escape #2 hits shelves Wednesday!

I’m in the middle of my own Escape to San Diego as this is posted — but you can find an escape of your own in your comics shop on Wednesday with Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape #2!

Kerra’s journey into Sith space continues, and we see a lot more about her personal history — and how it’s been tied together with Odion’s destiny from the beginning.

The issue will also be on sale from TFAW and from vendors in San Diego, where I will be signing every day — here’s the schedule — and they’ll also have the variant San Diego edition of #1 there, as well.

Covers for Knight Errant – Escape #5 and Lost Tribe of the Sith #3 also are now online — and my interview with Jedi News has just been posted. First one there in six years! And IO9 has news about Brian Wood’s new Star Wars series, just announced.

More to come in the next few days!