My San Diego Comic-Con 2012 signing schedule

Comic-Con International: San Diego two years in a row! It’s my eleventh time to go, but I don’t think I’ve gone in back-to-back years since the six-in-a-row stretch in the 1990s.

I have a busy schedule of things I’m there to do — and for the first time I’ve got signing hours every single day of the con. Note that this year the Dark Horse variant edition from Diamond Comic Distributors is a special version of Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape #1; this will be available from many retailers in the hall, and also can be preordered from TFAW.

Here are the signing times and locations: 

Wednesday, July 11

8:00-9:00 p.m. — Dark Horse Preview Night signing, Booth #2615. 

Thursday, July 12
11:00 a.m.-noon — Dark Horse booth signing with Mass Effect’s Sylvia Feketekuty and Chris Helper, Booth #2615 
Friday, July 13

11:00 a.m.-noon — Dark Horse booth mega-signing with Mike Richardson (Crimson Empire), Dave Dorman (Crimson Empire, Darth Maul), Randy Stradley and Doug Wheatley (Dark Times), Dave Wilkins (Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison), Dan Parsons (Dawn of the Jedi),  Michael Atiyeh (colorist), Michael Heisler (letterer) and Tom Taylor (Darth Maul), Booth #2615 

Saturday, July 14

4:00-5:00 p.m. — Del Rey signing and drawing for the new Star Wars: Lost Tribe of Sith – The Collected Stories book, which releases July 24. Booth #2913D 

Sunday, July 15

11:00 a.m.-noon — Dark Horse booth signing with Mass Effect’s Sylvia Feketekuty and Chris Helper, Booth #2615

Lucasfilm also has a panel on the future of Star Wars fiction and comics on Friday from 3-4 in Room 7AB — Lost Tribe is on the list of topics — and Dark Horse and the Bioware folks will be talking Mass Effect and other comics Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in Room 24ABC.

Finally, on Friday from 5:00-6:00 p.m., author Kevin J. Anderson
presents the Scribe Awards for tie-in fiction published in 2011 on
behalf of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers. Star Wars Knight Errant is one of five nominees for Best Science Fiction Novel, so I’ll be there. That’s in Room 23AB.

Follow my updates at the convention on Twitter — I’m @jjmfaraway. See you there!