Knight Errant Escape #1 notes online

I have posted some thoughts on the first issue of Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape — and I’ve definitely had opportunity to think about the issue, as today I signed 300 copies of the limited 2,000-copy run of the Diamond Comics exclusive San Diego variant of the issue. (You can obtain the issue from retailers at the event, or retailers who brought back comics from the event.)

I discuss the series in general and its connection to the rest of the Knight Errant books — including its several links with the novel and even the Knights of the Old Republic comics series. The issue in its regular covers are still available at your local comics shop, and here.

A few more additions to the site: pages for Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape #4 and Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith – Spiral #2, both of which release on September 12. (I’ve had two comics out on the same day before, but I don’t recall two Star Wars comics out.) You can preorder them from your comics shop starting in July.