The week before a new series release is always a busy one — and I’m particularly jazzed about this one. I just got my advance copies of Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape #1 from the publisher, and I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

The issue releases on Wednesday, but in the meantime, there are quite a few places where you can find out more about it. First off, we have a new “Making of the Cover” piece — Mike Hawthorne’s variant, which
is available colored at shops an in black-and-white as Diamond’s special
edition for San Diego — on Dark Horse’s site here.
Then I have a podcast about both Knight Errant and Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories and Lost Tribe of the Sith – Spiral at Random House’s Suvudu site.
Finally, there’s a wide-ranging one that also includes exclusive previews
of the covers of Knight Errant: Escape #4 and Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral #2 at Multiversity. We also get to see the cover for the Knights of the Old Republic – War trade paperback — which releases in December and will be Volume 10 of the ongoing series. It can be preordered now from Amazon and will be in your comics retailer’s catalog later this year.
I also talk a bit in both podcasts about my longtime work on The Comics Chronicles. It’s an exciting time to be in comics — May’s sales set a record for the industry this century.