April showers bring May floods — at least on Aquilaris, where Kerra Holt tries to save the planet she once called home from the storms in Star Wars: Knight Errant – Deluge. The trade paperback goes on sale today, and can be obtained from your local retailer, from Amazon, or from Things from Another World.
And in two weeks, Kerra Holt’s adventures continue with Star Wars: Knight Errant – Escape #1. I’ve finally gotten around to creating pages for the issues announced so far — #1, #2, and #3 — here on the site, as well as a landing page for August’s Lost Tribe of the Sith – Spiral #1. Some great covers on those, be sure to take a look. Spiral will be available for preorder in June.
I speak about both of the series in the Fictional Frontiers podcast, just released here.
Just back from a trip south to TimeGate, which I enjoyed immensely — participated in a lot of panels on comics and the 35th anniversary of Star Wars. A very fun show!
Back to work…