Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #8: Secrets now available!

And it’s out! Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #8: Secrets can now be downloaded from Amazon. The Amazon link is here and Random House has links to other formats here, but I caution that historically these do not all go up for download at the same time, so please check again if something isn’t out yet. Update: The Random House site has the direct-download PDF online now!

You can find my links to the previous seven editions updated here:
#1 – Precipice
#2 – Skyborn
#3 – Paragon
#4 – Savior
#5 – Purgatory
#6 – Sentinel
#7 – Pantheon

This is it for the free online ebooks in this arc; it’s been a fun run, nearly three years. I really enjoy the format and hope to return to it again soon. (I have a new short story featuring my original characters in the new Armored anthology coming soon from Baen; order it here.)

As readers of the eighth story will find — there are many new horizons ahead for the Lost Tribe, and we’ll see more in Pandemonium, the novella that forms a big chunk of this summer’s Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories print and digital release. The book can be gotten from Amazon for print or Kindle, as well as from other bookstores and services July 31; preorders available now.

The book can also be ordered directly from Random House. Be sure to browse the site for their many other fine books!

Also, there seems to be some sort of video game coming out tomorrow. Be sure to read up on your Mass Effect comics to get ready!