I am hopelessly behind in posting production notes for recent issues — I have to get to two Knight Errant issues and a stack of Mass Effect issues, not to mention some Lost Tribe of the Sith stories. But while it is fresh in my mind, I have posted the production notes and trivia for Knights of the Old Republic – War #1. Click the link to find them.
My usual caution applies — I try to write spoiler-free, but still you should read them after you’ve read the issue. Readers will find on the site a page for every product I’ve ever been associated with (except, again, a handful that I haven’t gotten to yet). I do these to sort of bring the reader along on my journey through writing. You can find the notes pages for all the comics I’ve written here.
Also, several have asked where they can purchase the variant cover for #1. It is produced in smaller numbers than the main cover, I believe, and you can request it of your retailer by asking for the Dave Wilkins cover. But you can find it here at Things From Another World. (The main Benjamin Carre cover is here.)
And don’t miss the other news of the day — the Lost Tribe of the Sith Collected Edition has a cover!