Photos: First Knight Errant signings

httThe first signings for Star Wars: Knight Errant were this weekend, and I was thrilled to have the participation of the Wisconsin Garrison of the 501st in both of them.

Bookworld (seen above) in Stevens Point had the first event, Friday evening, and I appreciate everyone who turned out during what developed into quite a snowy evening outside. I appreciate the time that the troopers put in outside; they’re real, well, troopers!

It was while getting ready for that appearance when news broke that a Lost Tribe of the Sith compilation was on the Del Rey schedule for 2012 (August, tentatively). Details about what’s included are yet to be announced, but it’s something I’ve looked forward to us doing. The stories have always been part of a wider arc, and presenting it all under one cover should make for an interesting dynamic.

On Saturday, I spoke at the University Ave. Borders in Madison, and again, there were photo ops for the kids with the 501st members, above. It was the first talk I’ve given about the book since its release, and I was thrilled at the turnout.

I hope to get some more photos online as time is available; be sure to check out my Facebook photo section. I have two more Wisconsin signings planned for the near future:

Fri, Feb 4, 2-4 p.m.

 414 South Central Avenue

Sat, Feb 19, 1-4 p.m.
Westfield Comics
7475 Mineral Point Rd. (in High Point Center)

There have been several more interviews to appear in recent days. Random House’s Suvudu site interviews me here, and I also appeared on the French podcast, Star Wars Universe. It actually turned out to be a two-parter, about Knights of the Old Republic and Knight Errant; the KOTOR portion is now online, here.

I’ve been getting some very nice feedback from those of you who’ve read the novel; much appreciated. Peter White was inspired to this graphical response, putting brothers Lord Daiman and Lord Odion on the Dr. Phil show!
That’s priceless! Don’t forget to spread the word, with review posts on bookstore sites, etc. — supplemental art not necessary!
Copies are now on sale at all booksellers and at the following links:
AmazonBarnes and Noble 
 BordersThings From Another World

And be sure to follow me on Twitter — thanks, Heather, for the spiffy new background!