Knight Errant special: A look at Diligence

One of the things I’ve been frequently asked about the creation of the Star Wars: Knight Errant novel is what it was like imagining starships without the help of the many talented comics artists I’ve been privileged to work with. The answer comes in this special piece on Engineering With LEGOS!

I’ve talked about this process a little here before, in the piece on Knights of the Old Republic #37 — but in the article you can see both the model for Jarrow Rusher’s artillery carrier, Diligence, and the rough schematic that was drawn from it. It’s a flying lobster of a ship — and the trials in keeping it together were always a major element of the novel. Thanks to that Star Wars licensee, LEGO — and to my young son, Jack — I was able to know for sure what went where in my descriptions.
Knight Errant goes on sale everywhere tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Knight Errant special: A look at Diligence”

  1. I imagine I might have to wait for the notes but did Jarrow's name come from anywhere in particular?

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