My Star Wars Celebration signing schedule

Subject to change should I be trampled by AT-ATs, here’s a bit of where I can be found during Star Wars Celebration V:

Signings at the Dark Horse booth:
Thursday, 2-3 p.m.
Friday, 3-4 p.m.
Saturday, 6-7 p.m.

Panels (at the Behind the Scenes Stage, W414 ABCD):

Dark Horse Comics panel: 12-1 p.m Thursday

Star Wars: Knight Errant panel: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Friday

I’ll also be dropping by the TFN Fanforce Jedi Council Party on Thursday evening; more details on how to attend at the link.

As mentioned here before, the con giveaway is Star Wars: Knight Errant #0, which is a double-sided book with preview pages from Knight Errant #1 on one side and the first chapter of the novel on the other side. There are also several of Federico Dallocchio’s designs and an interview with me in the issue. This is an exclusive for attendees of Star Wars Celebration, so far as I know.

More information as I know it. Hope to see everyone there!

4 thoughts on “My Star Wars Celebration signing schedule”

  1. That's all I know of at the moment, but will update as I know more. I will certainly be around much of that day and might turn up at the Dark Horse booth from time to time.

  2. aaargh! i was so hoping to hear you speak at a panel but my orlando schedule isn't matching up with yours…

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