Things go bump in the dark!

Yep, it’s Halloween in February, in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #38, going on sale Wednesday — with a spooky haunted ship and more surprises. Cool artwork by my friend Dean Zachary, with whom I’ll be appearing next month at Midsouthcon at Memphis — as well as Star Wars: Legacy‘s John Ostrander.

It’s a different kind of issue — putting me in the mind a little of that one Michael Golden issue (also, a #38!) in the Marvel Star Wars series with Luke and Leia on the living starship. Well, no living starhip here, but very much that’s dead. Never trust a droid — or, a writer who’s writing a teaser…

Also, while I wasn’t looking, we did another comic book. The cover is now available for the May-shipping Knights #41, the third part of “Dueling Ambitions.” Tomorrow’s issue actually reveals quite a bit about the direction of events in the series over the next while — imagine what you’ll know by #41!

Lots going on at the moment. Still need to get notes for various issues online — including the Vector trade, which nicely placed in the Top 10 trades in comics shops last month. Thanks, guys!

2 thoughts on “Things go bump in the dark!”

  1. Another excellent issue. Gotta be honest, when I read the advance description of this, I though “Great. A boring standalone.” I’ve been reading the series long enough that I should have known I was an idiot for thinking that! Like a good episode of a well-written TV series, this “standalone” has it’s own A-story while advancing many of the character B-stories incrementally.

    Can’t wait for the next issue.

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