“Dueling Ambitions” — and dueling the weather

OK, I really didn’t mean to go so long between posts — but there have been large assignments to get out the door, plus relearning how to get snow off a driveway. (Someone in the weather department seems to be unconvinced that Wisconsin has enough. Believe me, it has.)

I can also alert you to the solicitation for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #39, the first part of the “Dueling Ambitions” arc. I’ve already seen Brian Ching‘s great art on the issue — for now, you can check out the cool cover by Daryl Mandryk (his first on the series).

Some more updates — my first “Dark Times” era work appears as Episode 9 of the Dawn of Defiance campaign for the Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Roleplaying Game. I don’t know when it’ll post, but it should be in the next several weeks. It’s free to check out, and it was a lot of fun to work on. I’ll post the link when it becomes available. (And I swear, I’ll have some notes online about the KOTOR Campaign Guide before the turn of the calendar. Fingers crossed for less snow!)