Now that the site is mostly restored — and using the better blogging tool that Blogger provides — my intent was to begin blogging more frequently. However, this runs against a trio of countervailing forces: one, I don’t have a lot of time — and two, I can’t always talk about what I’m working on. This leaves everything else — which is where problem #3 comes in: I don’t always like to get into a lot of mundane detail about my daily life. (I could, you’d just doze off.)
On the other hand, as readers of one of my first published comics, Faraway Looks know, I have absorbed an uncommonly large amount of television in my day, wittingly or not. It is one of the reasons I’ve instituted a personal YouTube rule of no more than three searches at once — else, I’d be digging around all day in what is really an uncannily deep pile of footage.
Today’s failed “Stump YouTube” moment was a search for a game show I only ever saw a couple of times — “Split Second,” hosted by Tom Kennedy. I recalled only that there were a bunch of cars on stage as prizes — and that it was incredibly fast paced. Not only did the Internet provide, but the first thing it pulled up was the final episode from June 27, 1975 — in which the first contestant, on the left, is Judd Rose — then a student, later to become an ABC correspondent for PrimeTime Live until his death in 2000. Where do they get this stuff?
Apologies to any searching who were looking for the Rutger Hauer movie Split Second — a film my friend and I nearly walked out on … until halfway through, when the script stopped taking itself seriously and began to work as satire. Hey, whatever works…